
Filtergraph first version complete

After working for weeks on the filtergraph testing out all sorts of approaches, I ended up with a fairly simple and loose approach.

In the schematics of my previous posts I talked about sources, sinks, pads, nodes and so forth. In my code I have avoided making the pins explicit. Each node is either a sink, a source or both. sink and source are implemented as abstract classes which provide the means to transfer buffers and to notify/get notified when buffers are available.

I decided against using boost::signals in the end because it really introduced alot of unecessary complexities and added a few hundrer kilobytes of extra swag to my errormessages that I really didn't need. Instead I opted for writing my own lean and pretty naive implementation of the observer pattern.


 * Source.hpp
 *  Created on: Jun 12, 2012
 *      Author: lennart

#ifndef SOURCE_HPP_
#define SOURCE_HPP_

#include "SimpleObserver.hpp"

namespace filtergraph {
 using namespace std;
 using namespace simple_observer;

 template<class T>
 class Sink;
 template<class T>
 class Source: public Observee {
   Source() :
     Observee() {

   virtual ~Source() {

   // Connect the given sink
   void addSubscriber(Sink<T> &sink) {
    //cout << "addSubscriber()n";
    registerObserver((Observer &) sink);

   // Disconnect the given sink
   void removeSubscriber(Sink<T> &sink) {
    //cout << "removeSubscriber()n";
    removeObserver((Observer &) sink);

   // Tell sinks connected to this source that a new buffer has arrived
   void broadcastSubscribers() {
    //cout << "broadcastSubscribers()n";
   // Block until a new buffer object is ready
   virtual void pumpSource() = 0;
   // Borrow current buffer object
   virtual T &borrowBuffer() = 0;
   // Return a copy of the current buffer object
   T &copyBuffer() {
    return new T(borrowBuffer());


} /* namespace filtergraph */
#endif /* SOURCE_HPP_ */


#ifndef SINK_HPP_
#define SINK_HPP_
#include "SimpleObserver.hpp"
#include "Source.hpp"
namespace filtergraph {

 using namespace std;
 using namespace simple_observer;
 template<class T>
 class Sink: public Observer {


   // Connect to the given source
   void subscribeTo(Source<T> &source) {
   //Disconnect from the given source
   void unsubscribeFrom(Source<T> &source) {

   Sink() :
     Observer() {

   virtual ~Sink() {


   void handleObserverNotification(Observee &observee) {
    handleSource((Source<T> &) observee);

   // Called by sources when new buffer is available
   virtual void handleSource(Source<T> &source)=0;


} /* namespace filtergraph */
#endif /* SINK_HPP_ */

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